
USBUART module in PSoC5

I currently try to use the CYPRESS PSoC5 (CY8C5888P) chip to capture the signals and send to PC for further analysing in real time. Found that the USBUART module inside this chip is petty good.

1) Automatically generate the INF file. (Act as Virtual COM Port in PC, use usbser.dll, CDC Device)

2) Great data throughput. It can reach minimum ~1.7Mb/s. (Manual DMA mode + triple buffering were used to handle the sampling data, act as Virtual COM Port in PC).

3) Built-in configuration panel. Easy to use.

4) The source code which is generated by PSoC creator is tiny and clear (well optimised). Easy to understand.

5) Examples and Documents are provided.

In order to archive high data throughput, the key points are:
1) use DMA mode if possible.

2) Familiar with HDL is an advantage. You can describe your hardware module using schematic / HDL in this chip.

3) In the PC side, choose the right RS-232 terminal.

I have tried ReadTerm and Bray++ terminal.
I will give Bray++ terminal as 3.5/5
and RealTerm as 4.5/5 (-0.5 because of the user interface...)

I found that some received "block" are missing in Bray++ terminal (It does not support >1,000,000bps well ?!).
RealTerm does not have this issue so far.


Capture USB traffic in windows 8

USBPCap + Wireshark

1) Execute USBPcapCMD.exe, check the target device node.
2) Select the target device node, start to capture the file (.pcap).
3) View the pcap file by using Wireshark

For more information, please check: