
Effective C++ notes (Rule 1 - Rule 10)

Rule 1: View C++ as a federation of language

view as 4 sub language
a) C
b) Object-oriented C
c) Template C++
d) STL

C++ Looks like 4 "sub-language" merge to form a language.
They are different => we should understand each "sub-language" behavior.


Rule 2: consts, enums and inlines to #define

Use: consts replace define
easy for symbol table look up, debug made easy, const = 1 copy only

class c
static const int a = 5;

For some of old compilers:
In header:
class c
static const int v1;

In source:
const int c::v1 = 1;

Use enum:
class c
enum {v1 = 1};
int i[v1];
//can be found in template metprogramming

Use: template<typename T>
inline void CallWithMax(const T& a, const T& b)

#define CALL_WITH_MAX(a,b) f((a)>b()?(a):(b))


Rule 3: Use const whenever possible

char greeting[] = "Hello";
char* p = greeting; //non-const pointer, non-const data
const char* p = greeting; //non-const pointer, const data
char* const p = greeting; //const pointer, non-const data
const char* const p = greeting; //const pointer, const data

In other words,
const located at: (left)*, const data
const located at: *(right), const pointer

void f1(const Widget* pw);
is as same as
void f2(Widget const * pw);

const_iterator //cannot change value

mutable,prevent "bitwise-constness"

operator[] overload:
merge const operator[] and operator[]:
const cha& operator[] (std::size_t position)const
return text[position];
char& operator[](std::size_t position)
static_cast<const TextBlock&>(*this)[posiiton];


Rule 4: Make sure that objects are initialized before they are used

ABEntry::ABEntry(const str::string& name, const std::string& address)
theName = name;
theAddress = address;
//Call theName, theAddress assignment

//call theName, theAddress constructor (run faster!)

static -> singleton design pattern, initialize and reference only one time.


Rule 5: Know what functions C++ silently writes and calls

class Empty
Empty(const Empty& rhs){...}
Empty& operator=(const Empty& rhs){...}

cannot compile (generate implicate copy assignment) if the class has following conditions:
For the below cases, we must declare the copy constructor and assignment explicitly.
1) Reference
2) Const
3) base class copy assignment = private


Rule 6: Explicitly disallow the use of compiler-generated functions you do not want

1) Mark it as private
2) Do not implement it, declare only.

Private, derived from below class (Boost library - noncopyable class)

class Uncopyable
Uncopyable(const Uncopyable&);
Uncopyable& operator=(const Uncopyable&);

class HomeForSale : private Uncopyable



Rule 7: Declare destructors virtual in polymorphic base classes

If the class is suppose not to be polymorphic, don't declare the class as virtual destructor.


Rule 8: Prevent exceptions from leaving destructor

The exception leave to outside world <- may cause undefined behavior / exit at earlier stage.
solution: explicit declare a function to let the user explicit "close" it.
The user call the "close" function with try{} catch{} case,
Because the class has given the chance for the user explicit handle the exception, but the user didn't.
It is not the fault made by the class.

class cla

bool closed;

void close()
closed = true;

//catch exception, log


Rule 9: Never call virtual functions during construction or destruction


Rule 10: Have assignment operators return a reference to *this

because x=y=z=15;
equivalent x=(y=(z=15));

also apply in +=, -=, *=...etc operator.
Widget& operator+=(const Widget& rhs)
return *this;

Widget& operator=(int rhs)
return *this;

