
USBUART module in PSoC5

I currently try to use the CYPRESS PSoC5 (CY8C5888P) chip to capture the signals and send to PC for further analysing in real time. Found that the USBUART module inside this chip is petty good.

1) Automatically generate the INF file. (Act as Virtual COM Port in PC, use usbser.dll, CDC Device)

2) Great data throughput. It can reach minimum ~1.7Mb/s. (Manual DMA mode + triple buffering were used to handle the sampling data, act as Virtual COM Port in PC).

3) Built-in configuration panel. Easy to use.

4) The source code which is generated by PSoC creator is tiny and clear (well optimised). Easy to understand.

5) Examples and Documents are provided.

In order to archive high data throughput, the key points are:
1) use DMA mode if possible.

2) Familiar with HDL is an advantage. You can describe your hardware module using schematic / HDL in this chip.

3) In the PC side, choose the right RS-232 terminal.

I have tried ReadTerm and Bray++ terminal.
I will give Bray++ terminal as 3.5/5
and RealTerm as 4.5/5 (-0.5 because of the user interface...)

I found that some received "block" are missing in Bray++ terminal (It does not support >1,000,000bps well ?!).
RealTerm does not have this issue so far.


Capture USB traffic in windows 8

USBPCap + Wireshark

1) Execute USBPcapCMD.exe, check the target device node.
2) Select the target device node, start to capture the file (.pcap).
3) View the pcap file by using Wireshark

For more information, please check:


Build the u-boot for raspberry pi 2

Cross compile in ubuntu environment.

1) Download required arm compiler.
I choose the most common one for testing only (not the optimized one).
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi

ncurses-dev is required if you want to config the option by using 'make menuconfig'.
sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev

Get the u-boot package
2) git clone git://git.denx.de/u-boot.git

build the u-boot backage
3) make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- rpi_2_defconfig
Optional) make menuconfig

4) make -j8 V=1
Option) make -j8 V=1 2>&1 | tee build.log | less
Option) make -j8 SHELL='sh -x'
V=1: Output more message during build

u-boot.bin will be generated under the u-boot root directory.

Copy the u-boot.bin to the micro SD-CARD


Connect STM32F103V8 with ECLIPSE+GDB+JLINK

Use SWD debugging interface.

1) Start the JLINK GDB Server
cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLinkARM_V440"
JLinkGDBServer.exe -if swd

2) In the debug configuration:

monitor flash download = 1
monitor flash breakpoints = 1

monitor reg r13 = (0x00000000)
monitor reg pc = (0x00000004)


ESP8266 Extend AT command set - Part1

I need to try their SDK example first in order to extend the AT command set.

1) Download the required tools
  a) Download the Lubuntu VirtualBox image which is provided by Espressif.
     (Provide compiler tool-chain already)
  b) Download the latest SDK.
  c) Download the FLASH programming tools. (For Windows)

2) According to the readme file, copy the SDK to the share folder.
e.g. Place in D:\Share
After that, setup the share folder path in VirtualBox (D:\Share <-> Share).
VBoxImage default username: esp8266
VBoxImage default password: espressif
{SDK} means ~/Share/esp_iot_sdk_v1.3.0

3) Copy {SDK}/examples/at/  to  {SDK}/app/

4) In {SDK}/app/user/user_main.c
modify to
at_testCmdTest(uint8_t id)
    uint8 buffer[32] = {0};

    os_sprintf(buffer, "%s\r\n", "my at_testCmdTest");

4) cd {SDK}/app/

5) ./gen_misc.sh
Select below options:
spi speed: default
spi mode: default
spi size and map: 1024KB( 512KB+ 512KB)

6) Download the user1.1024.new.?.bin to the FLASH ---> 0x1000

7) Try to run AT+TEST=? in CuteCOM.
it should return my at_testCmdTest.

ESP8266 - A Great Product

In ESP8266 SDK,
Something that interests me:
1) Support RTC.
2) SDK provides several functions to get the time using SNTP protocol.
3) Support SSL (Only allow single client connection only)
The default value of maximum SSL packet size is 2KB.
The maximum size packet can be adjusted.

It is good enough for a single IOT SOC chip (Just HKD 12)...

Then, focus on the SSL, found one more interesting thing...
Someone lists out the object symbols in his blog:)

Many standardized cryptography algorithms (RSA, SHA1, MD5, AES..) have already provided in the object library files,
but they are not explicitly exposed by the vendor.

In other words, once we disassemble the code,
and trace how the parameters passed in these functions (XTENSA ABI).
Actually, it is not necessary to re-implement the cryptography function (greatly reduce the code size).

ESP8266 Initial Test

The module I use:  ESP-8266 ESP-01

1) Wire Connection
Since the USB to UART TTL module may not provide sufficient power for ESP-01,
use external power supply is recommended.

3.3V <-> ESP8266 VCC
3.3V <-> ESP8266 CH_PD
USB to UART TTL module RX <-> ESP8266 TX
USB to UART TTL module TX <-> ESP8266 RX
GND <-> USB to UART TTL module GND <-> ESP8266 GND

*: GPIO0 should be connected to GND if we want to update the firmware. Reboot is required before update.
For general purpose, GPIO0 can be float.


2) Testing

In Linux environment, CuteCOM is recommended for testing the communication.

Below is the setup procedures:

Device: /dev/ttyUSB0
Baud rate: 115200
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None
Handshake: uncheck both
linefeed: default should be set to CR LF (sometimes you need to switch to use HEX Input format e.g. send raw byte)

Open the COM port and listen the response.
reboot the ESP-01 module.
It should return [Ready] string.

Please update to the latest firmware before use:
The latest firmware uses 115200, 8N1, AT COMMAND LINE END - CR LF for communication.
Before update the firmware, we need to download the SDK and the FLASH PROGRAMMING TOOLS first.

More details can be found in SDK documentation.

In CuteCOM, enter the following commands.
Input AT
response OK means success.


List available access point.


3) NTP Client Implementation

Get current time stamp using NTP






#參考自:https://github.com/sandeepmistry ... lient/NTPClient.ino
#Other NTP Server might not work...


IN CuteCOM, change to HEX input.
Input the following:

It should return 48 bytes packet.


ECC notes

ECC Brief

Q = kP can be expand as several of point doubling + point addition operation

"point doubling + point addition operation" can be expand as several field multiplication + field addition operation


Selection at the field level:
F2m, Fp, Fpm
poly basis / normal basis
Field arithmetic algorithm

Selection at the elliptic curve level:
affine coordinate / projective coordinate
point addition / double algorithm

protocol level:
appropriate protocol (key exchange / signature)
algorithm for kP


affine coordinate
projective coordinate - one is called Jacobin. 

Doubling: 2J -> J 4M, 3S
Mixed Coordinate : J+A -> J 8M + 3S


Field Addition - very simple and fast - just XOR

Field Multiplication - Shift and Add Method / Comb method -> field reduction / LSD (Least significant. digit serial) Multiplier method

Point Multiplication

Binary method: (m/2)PointAdd + (m) PointDouble
NAF method: (m/3) PointAdd + (m) PointDouble
Montgomery Multiplication: (6M+5S+3A)m + (1I+10M)

Message Protocol

Diffie Hellman Key Exchange (man-in-the-middle attack?):

PrC ·PuS =PrS ·PuC =PrS ·PrC ·G
Use same G (base point) and poly.

Server private key: PrS
Client private key: PrC

Server public key: PuS
Client public key: PuC