
ECC notes

ECC Brief

Q = kP can be expand as several of point doubling + point addition operation

"point doubling + point addition operation" can be expand as several field multiplication + field addition operation


Selection at the field level:
F2m, Fp, Fpm
poly basis / normal basis
Field arithmetic algorithm

Selection at the elliptic curve level:
affine coordinate / projective coordinate
point addition / double algorithm

protocol level:
appropriate protocol (key exchange / signature)
algorithm for kP


affine coordinate
projective coordinate - one is called Jacobin. 

Doubling: 2J -> J 4M, 3S
Mixed Coordinate : J+A -> J 8M + 3S


Field Addition - very simple and fast - just XOR

Field Multiplication - Shift and Add Method / Comb method -> field reduction / LSD (Least significant. digit serial) Multiplier method

Point Multiplication

Binary method: (m/2)PointAdd + (m) PointDouble
NAF method: (m/3) PointAdd + (m) PointDouble
Montgomery Multiplication: (6M+5S+3A)m + (1I+10M)

Message Protocol

Diffie Hellman Key Exchange (man-in-the-middle attack?):

PrC ·PuS =PrS ·PuC =PrS ·PrC ·G
Use same G (base point) and poly.

Server private key: PrS
Client private key: PrC

Server public key: PuS
Client public key: PuC


