
HLS Important Notes

Vivado CLI execute Tcl script

vivado_hls -f script.tcl

Vivado CLI interactive mode

vivado_hls -i [-l <logfile>]

if not specific the clock uncertainty, default value is 12.5% 

Tcl script example

## Tcl script example from Xilinx Introduction to High-Level Snthesis

open_project my.prj

set_top dct

add_files dct.cpp

add_files -tb dct_test.cpp

add_files -tb in.dat

add_files -tb out.golden.dat

open_solution "solution1"

set_part {xc7k160tfbg848-1}

create_clock -period 10

source "./my.prj/solution1/directives.tcl"



Unsupported C Language Constructs

system call (e.g. printf, system, time...etc)

dynamic memory & functions (.e.g. malloc, new)

virtual function

pointer casting

recursive function

Most of STL library which contains recursive and dynamic allocation

Important Notes

Use APCC to compile the intN data type, gcc doesn't support this data type

Must be care if use access pointer with the same function multiple time




